I've spent considerable amount of time and effort in making this site as complete and concise as possible to avoid un necessary back and forth emails which is time consuming. Please take a moment to read this site thoroughly, you will find most answers to your questions. Thank you!
Q: Can I have your phone number?
A: To ensure complete discretion I prefer our contact to be via contact form/email. This is the fastest way to get a response. After confirmation of our engagement I will then give you a number (changed monthly) used exclusively for engagement purposes.
If you don't have access to email and need to contact me urgently please text the number provided upon confirmation. It will be powered on approximately 10 minutes prior our date in case you need assistance.
Anything you need to discuss regarding our engagement can be done via email. Thank you for your kind understanding and for being respectful of my time and privacy.
Q: Can I email you directly instead of filling up your Contact Booking Form?
A: Unfortunately first-time email contact has proven ineffective and time-consuming. The fastest most efficient, secure, and discreet primary contact is best via my Contact Booking Form. Thereafter we can email each other directly for the sole purpose of booking an engagement. All new customers must fill-up my booking form to facilitate verification, even if an established customer refers you, thank you!
Q: What will I get when meeting you?
A: You will receive lots of attention to the most particular details making our encounter a memorable moment. A great deal of preparation is incurred to ensure the perfect mood. Know that you will leave with a huge smile on your face. I have that effect on people :)
Q: I have a specific request, may I ask if possible?
A: You may ask but on first-time bookings, I prefer allowing the natural flow of the session to take place. You can express your preferences and extend the session as well if time permits. I always allow extra time to make that option possible.
Q: I would like to book you for an outcall, can you tell me what to expect?
A: Firstly, outcalls are provided exclusively to established clients, no exceptions! That is either dinner dates, cocktail parties, business, and social functions, traveling, and as a hostess for special occasions. I can assure you that when coming to your door, I will be stunning! Like I just stepped out of a fashion magazine! If you prefer I can be more conservative or executive as well. When going out, I will be impeccably dressed wearing the finest elegant garments. No heads will be left unturned as I walk into a restaurant with you or anywhere else for that matter. My model looks are what people see at first, but I'm also an alluring woman with a great personality and exude a subtle sensuality that can be felt when entering a room.
Q: Why don't you reply to my form submission or/and emails?
A: There could be several reasons. Maybe my reply is in your spamware, possibly you didn't type your email correctly, or you didn't fill-up the required fields on the form nor took a moment to introduce yourself. I don't randomly give out appointments to just anyone, a true gentleman will have enough consideration to write a proper short non-explicit introduction at the very minimum. If you were impolite, rude or disrespectful, your request will be left unanswered and you will be permanently blocked and banned. I will not tolerate such an attitude. Our communication must be based on mutual respect at all times.
Q: Why do you require references from providers and/or deposits?
A: Primarily for safety reasons and to be sure you are indeed a 'real' person and serious about meeting. Canceled dates and 'no-shows' are a huge waste of time and costly. Also, I will gladly provide references for my customers, use my private email only, and please do NOT give out my phone number! Thank you for respecting my privacy.
Q: Where is your incall location?
A: When traveling I offer incalls in the central metropolitan area or within close proximity unless indicated otherwise. For privacy/security reasons incall address will be provided only the day before our set date. When traveling and providing incalls at a hotel, I will ask you to call upon arrival, I will then give you my room number. Note that I retain a few domiciles, please inquire for locations and availability.
Q: I'm time-limited and was looking to book less time than the minimum requirement, would this be possible? If so, how much will it be?
A: Yes, we can book at your convenience if you are time-limited, although my reasonable minimum required donation still applies no matter the duration of your booking.
Q: I would like to meet you somewhere for coffee or a drink; I would like to see if we are compatible?
A: Sorry but NO! This is not a dating site hence I don't see the point. My online presence is solely as a professional, thus if you are serious then you can book a session of your choice, I will then receive you with a big smile and provide you with fabulous service, I can even make you coffee if you'd like :)
Q: I wish to have a dinner date with you, what's your preference?
A: I am well-traveled and acquired a wide range of fine cuisine knowledge. I can find healthy alternatives anywhere really.
Q: What kind of attributes do you expect in your customers?
A: As most ladies wish for, cleanliness (but NO strong chemical cologne causing allergies), well mannered and respectful as well as freshly showered and shaved (incall facility available) but If you have a soft beard it is fine, no need to shave it off :)
Q: I can't find any reviews on you, why is that?
A: It's quite simple; I prefer sessions to remain private. If some are found randomly that are not favorable please remember that I provide my exclusive services to less than 30% of the booking requests I receive, the rest are politely declined. In turn, this can provoke undesirable effects by immature people who take offense in being refused services.
An intelligent person will have to trust their intuition and decide if trolls are worth listing too or not. I provide services to most distinguished upscale people and public figures as well as family men who prefer remaining anonymous, private, and discreet. They appreciate my efforts in keeping private and my utmost discretion. I protect my clients and myself, hence NO reviews, please!! Reviewers (regardless if positive) will be found by my webmaster and then denied services permanently.
Q: Do you require tipping?
A: No, but if you wish to do so I will gratefully accept. Service providers of any trade would view this as a gesture of appreciation toward good services rendered ;) - I sure practice tipping with all of the service people I encounter.
Q: Are you selective of whom you book?
A: It's not because you can afford my reasonable donations that I will automatically book an appointment with you. I have high standards and I am selective of whom I offer my services. I cater only to genuine gentlemen that are well mannered, compassionate, gentle, and honest.
Q: What if I need to cancel, report our date, or arrive late?
A: I understand that the unexpected does happen and if a change must be made please be courteous enough to give me adequate notice of at least 24 hours. I have ZERO tolerance for individuals that take other people's time for granted! Out of respect for each other's valuable time, we must keep our engagement for the date and time agreed upon. I allow 15 minutes tardiness on incalls, more than that will reflect on your booking time. I will refuse to give you another date if you cancel or report the date/time of our meeting without adequate notice unless a true emergency occurring that is completely out of your control with proof of the incident. A 50% compensation on the canceled date (under 24 hours notice) will apply and possibly a deposit will be required on future dates. Note that no-shows will be blacklisted and blocked.
Q: I have a modeling agency and I'm looking to hire you, would that be possible?
A: No thanks, I've worked with an international modeling agency full time as a top model for many years. I now work on other projects than modeling. That was a personal decision as I felt like I was losing my freedom too much as a Pro Model. I like to work in modeling on my own terms, freelance on projects that interests me only.
Q: Where are you from? You have an accent.
A: Most common question! I am North American born of Northern European ancestry. But, my accent is not from one specific place as I studied years abroad in several different countries and languages. I'm very cultured; therefore I have my own unique accent, which changes as a go through life and experiences new places and people.
Q: I am curious to know your age, there's no mention on your site.
A: I don't see how this is relevant to our engagement, if you like my appearance, personality, and high quality of my services, isn't all that matters? I can tell you that I am old enough to drink Champagne twice over!
Q: I am a photographer and would like to offer my services for my portfolio, would you be interested in test shots?
A: Unfortunately due to copyright laws giving all rights of use to the photographer (excluding the USA) I must decline your offer. Unless you are ready to sign a copyright release to me exclusively then contact me with your proposal. You must be a professional with people/model experience and able to provide a portfolio I can review, thank you.
Q: Can you send me sexy pics and/or vids? Or just face shots by email?
A: NO! Never ever going to happen. All adult material is kept encrypted on an external hard drive securely locked into a safe to ensure complete privacy. I put a lot of effort to keep safe and private, asking me to send you face pics is completely unacceptable, there's enough material provided on this site for you to make out my features. Discretion and privacy go both ways!!
Q: Can you give me access to your private member's area?
A: Yes, of course. There is a one-time payment of $50 or free access after receiving a deposit toward an engagement. Free access to estabished clients who booked me via this site only.
Q: Can I bring anything to make our time even more special?
A: I like to try everything at least once, so if you think I may like it, indulge me! You can take a look at my wishlist for my favorite things.
Q: I would like to get you a present, what do you like?
A: Thank you so much for your generous thoughts. Please visit my wishlist to see what I am lemming for at the moment ;)
Q: Could we get to know each other just as personal friends?
A: I'm flattered that you choose me as a potential personal friend but I must decline your invitation as I have a small circle of personal friends and don't have much time for new ones. I do consider some of my clients to be my friends but our meetings remain on a professional level by choice of keeping boundaries.
Q: I like to party and use drugs with you or alone when together, is that ok?
A: No! Drug usage or cigarettes smoke in my presence is forbidden. NO exception. I lead a very healthy lifestyle and do not participate in recreational drugs. I know how to 'party' naturally!